From Sea Level to Summit

I drove from Atlanta to Colorado in early August knowing little about what the next two months doing trail maintenance may entail.  Soon enough I learned about altitude sickness, days spent moving large rocks, snow in August, and wag-bags.  And I’ve loved every...

The Tail End

It’s the time of the year, the end of the field season.  There is a light at the end of the tunnel, an end to the constant trail-work and strenuous hiking.  Although I have had a great experience this summer, I look forward to a break from the sun beating down on my...

Something That Doesn’t Belong

I was hiking an alpine trail, surrounded by lush grass with wildflowers the color of the rainbow. Suddenly, I catch a glimpse of one of the only sights that could tarnish such a moment: an empty plastic water bottle! I thought to myself that another hiker must have...

Building and Bonding

As a member of the Adopt-a-Peak crew this summer, my co-leader Dylan and I roam from Fourteener to Fourteener, and from volunteer crew to volunteer crew. We work with crews ranging from 14 year old summer camp children from all over the world to health...

All Quiet on the Holy Cross Summit

The question of Wilderness has been plaguing my brain this past season.  I’ve worked trails in multiple states throughout the last three years and I have never encountered as many people at one trailhead, on one trail as I have this summer on Tigiwon road....