Hello everybody! Miriam here from Maroon Peak. So the season is in full swing. Base camp is up, new tread is dug, and staircases are being built. The trail is lookin’ good and I am very pleased with the progress!

The porcupines have invaded our camp! They are the most stubborn creatures. They just lurk in the bushes waiting for someone to pee. It’s creepy.

The photos I am sharing with you are from our pack-in. Thanks to Glen Ryan and Carol and the gang of mules everything got packed in with few hiccups. It feels like you jump back a century seeing your home packed in by a string of mules, I thought I’d try to capture the moment for you all by taking the pictures in black and white. Enjoy!

miriam 1 miriam 2 miriam 3  miriam 5

Happy Trails!!

Miriam Venman-Clay

My name is Miriam Venman-Clay. I have worked as a project manager for CFI for five seasons. I love being high in the Rockies living amongst the alpine. Stone work is my passion and I feel so fortunate to be able to blend so many loves together and have a career teaching and learning about sustainability and life on these amazing and fragile fourteen thousand foot mountains.